Thursday, August 6, 2015

Say Hello!

I've been spending a lot of time lately reflecting about the past, thinking about the future, and planning. I feel like there is all these endless paths? And despite the fact that there are very few people who read my blog... i'm curious to know- how do you figure it out? Who are you? How did you get to where you are? Share your story! Let's see how far this can go! :)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

What happened to my sanity?

Life! It comes and goes as it may, but I swear i'm living in the same day over and over again.

Time passes infinitely slow. I can't remember who I am anymore.
The days just seem to connect from one to the next!
stack the cards and play the decks

Is this how it's supposed to be? When will I find my sanity?

I swear one morning I woke up and was deemed unworthy! No more boys, no more happiness, no more friends
but that's just how the story mends
no more support, just the struggle to know what was real.
tell you all how i really feel 

What once started out as a classroom thing... has now turned into this mindless game, an experiment to say the same.

Daily postings are no more, but still my heart she loves to pour- here @ some space to think, surely you stumbled across my link.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hoping to spark some CREATIVE juices

I've been thinking a lot about creativity lately! What exactly it means to be creative, who dictates what is creative, and if creativity can mean different things. I found this article which I think is kind of  cool, so i'm going to share it here...

If you don't want to read that then here's a poem on what creativity means to me! Let's take it further than the face value definition... ENJOY! :D 

Crafty and curious
Transform and transition
Various measures
Imagination is key
Timely, but true

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Post college love, confusion, and cracker sandwiches

The question on graduate school rings even louder in my head! There's so many things to do and I have so much experience.. what's acceptable and what's not? Am I really ready to take the risk?

I love to help and be involved! That's a fact! I always have and always will! And I adore children and animals! Put me with a child and I just light up! I join in on the play and escape to a fantasy world where once I used to spend all my time. Put me with a child, and suddenly I'm the best singer in the world or I can dance on the moon! I have no fear! This is who I am!

It's funny how as we grow older we lose the insight of what matters most. I'm stuck, the articles don't seem to be helping! I wish I could hit the enter key and have all the answers laid out in front of me...

What do you all recommend? What's my next step?  #advicecolumn Let's GO!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

What to do with the weather blues...

Just a little fun... and with fall ending and snow around the corner, CHECK out some of these awesome crafts pages

Or maybe make your own? I know one of my most favorite things to do is just scrapbook/create. It's a great way to add a more personal touch to some of your already personal memories or make an old book fun again! :)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Long Overdue Update 1: A Great Idea

So it's been a while since I've been on here and blogged for you all! I know, I know... it's disappointing, but i've been super busy! So here's an update: I now have a fun and awesome job at Providence Children's Museum. :) It's a really great opportunity to learn about and work with children! I'm involved in the Head Start Program, Scouts Programs, and even Museum Enrichment projects- all of which will give me experience and help to build my resume!

I will be posting occasionally on the museum blog if you would like to follow! There's a lot of interesting stories and you can learn more about the mission and what PCM is all about! I've included the link for the Museumcorps stories ->>>> HERE <<<<<- SOOO go check it out! And to learn more about the museum itself: you can click HERE!!

 Play is so important! So why not make it a part of your lives too?

As a member of the Head Start Team, we had to write a book, and create a song/chant for the children in the local school areas! We go into the classrooms and we do what is called PVOs (pre-visit Orientations) to get them excited about the museum and our year with them! We then work on CA-1s and CA-2s (classroom activities) in which we are going to be teaching about problem solving. The overall experience, thus far, has been nothing shy of lots of work, but also fun and exciting! It's great to see how much the children have learned even in the few weeks we've worked with them.

This post is to share a video- that inspired me and opened my eyes to just how much the simple things can be! It also inspired some parts of our book for the classrooms. It was shared by a staff member at the museum and
it has become a personal part of how I play guide and therefore important!


Friday, July 18, 2014

My submission to the hooping academy! :)

One of my favorite things to do is hula hoop. Hooping incorporates every inch of your body- from your arms, head, and hands to your chest, knees, and feet.  In this short 500 words, I am going to try and discuss what hooping means to me, why has become a huge part of my life, and the great joy of that circle free-flowing around your waist. 

When I first picked up a hoop two years ago I didn’t imagine it would have the impact on me that it did. I lacked confidence and a voice that allowed me to stand my ground. More importantly I lacked the ability to see things outside of the box. But when I picked up the hoop I felt pretty and I was motivated to learn more. Everything I learned I learned from a few friends at our schools circus club.  It was a group open to people of ALL skill levels, a way to connect with your inner child, and a new found talent. It challenged me to step outside of my comfort zone and see the hoop as an extension of the body. 

That is, it increases the angle between body parts, and thus you must move together. Executing the tricks takes practice, but also consideration of timing. You have to be aware of your surroundings and also of the open space within the hoop. For instance, if you are trying to do a basic spin around the waist and you hula too early (or too late) you lose control of the hoop. 

For me this was the next big thing. I not only learned how to do basic hula hooping, but also to control the hoop and use it as a prop, rather than just a toy. It became my best friend, a way for me to relieve stress, and a way to change the inner demons in my head. I would go almost everywhere with a hoop- even class. Eventually my hoops even had a permanent seat in the back of my car.

Hooping Academy would allow me to have the freedom to take my hooping to the next level. I have taught a few classes and watched as shy girls (and boys) gain confidence in their abilities. For me there is nothing more rewarding than that. Hooping makes me feel good, and I want to be able to share that same feeling with others. Even making hoops is a creative process I highly enjoy! J Each hoop after all, is as unique as the person who uses it.

Hoops can even be used within the classroom to teach teamwork, cooperation, movement, cognition, and more.  I feel they are just as much a part of what makes me who I am as the clothes that I wear and the shoes on my feet. 

I appreciate all of the links, tips, and resources. Thank you for the opportunity of a scholarship to The Hooping Academy. Good luck to you all!