Saturday, December 13, 2014

What to do with the weather blues...

Just a little fun... and with fall ending and snow around the corner, CHECK out some of these awesome crafts pages

Or maybe make your own? I know one of my most favorite things to do is just scrapbook/create. It's a great way to add a more personal touch to some of your already personal memories or make an old book fun again! :)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Long Overdue Update 1: A Great Idea

So it's been a while since I've been on here and blogged for you all! I know, I know... it's disappointing, but i've been super busy! So here's an update: I now have a fun and awesome job at Providence Children's Museum. :) It's a really great opportunity to learn about and work with children! I'm involved in the Head Start Program, Scouts Programs, and even Museum Enrichment projects- all of which will give me experience and help to build my resume!

I will be posting occasionally on the museum blog if you would like to follow! There's a lot of interesting stories and you can learn more about the mission and what PCM is all about! I've included the link for the Museumcorps stories ->>>> HERE <<<<<- SOOO go check it out! And to learn more about the museum itself: you can click HERE!!

 Play is so important! So why not make it a part of your lives too?

As a member of the Head Start Team, we had to write a book, and create a song/chant for the children in the local school areas! We go into the classrooms and we do what is called PVOs (pre-visit Orientations) to get them excited about the museum and our year with them! We then work on CA-1s and CA-2s (classroom activities) in which we are going to be teaching about problem solving. The overall experience, thus far, has been nothing shy of lots of work, but also fun and exciting! It's great to see how much the children have learned even in the few weeks we've worked with them.

This post is to share a video- that inspired me and opened my eyes to just how much the simple things can be! It also inspired some parts of our book for the classrooms. It was shared by a staff member at the museum and
it has become a personal part of how I play guide and therefore important!