Sunday, May 26, 2013

Some video game flash backs!

So I decided to go back in time and play some old games. I started with Pokémon leaf green! I must say that it is quite interesting to be playing these games especially since growing up the only Gameboy games I owned were Pokémon Yellow. And even these are vastly different. There is an option to be a girl and the Pokémon you start with is not handed to you, but rather you get to choose as if you were actually going on an adventure yourself. I also still wanna catch a Mew! <3

I also find it interesting that the systems are so vastly different. I always thought that the only way i'd ever be able to play them was if I bought the old systems, but I have found that the Gameboy Advance SP is quite the nifty thing to have. It offers a back light and an option to play all the Gameboy games including, Gameboy Advanced and Gameboy Color. I'm definitely looking into it now! :) And of course if you have a DS you can play the GBA games too! So as far as handhelds are concerned I'd say it's a way to go!

The next thing I wanna try is the GameCube and Game Boy Advance Connection. Supposedly, the way it worked was that, using specially written software, developers were able to make the Game Cube and the Game Boy Advance so that they could communicate with each other. This connectivity was featured in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, allowing players, using the Tingle Tuner, to get information on the different islands, collect Tingle statues, and get advice on how to solve dungeon puzzles. I think it was also featured in PacMan Vs. I just think it would be quite a different gaming experience. =] 

Also, do you remember Rareware? They partnered up with Nintendo, until 2000, to create video games such as Donkey kong 64, the banjo kazooie series, jet force gemini, and star fox adventures.Well I decided to play Banjo-Kazooie again! I must say the soundtrack and the game play made me realize why I fell in love with the game as a kid. Were there any games like this for you?

And of course, I started playing the Sega games as well. I can't get enough of that little hedgehog and his foxy sidekick, Tails! I love how the games just generally get faster and harder as you play them. That's one of the main difficulties it proposed. I think Tetris is actually known for that. Needless to say, i'm having fun and remembering why I fell in love with the classics.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Just In Sight

So I went on a college tour yesterday and I must say I am pretty darn excited! It feels great to know that I finally have a direction and a goal that I am aspiring to and achieving! I'm also on vacation now and am taking this as an opportunity to enjoy some new things. I have a show coming up in a few weeks, I've been practicing with taking photos at different viewpoints and angles, and I even was a part of a music video! ^_^  For now it seems things are on a good track. Now if only I could land a job!

Be sure to keep an eye on the blog page. I know it's been a week, but I've got some more ideas for posts brewing!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wii yes... or Wii no?

So the Wii U came out a few months ago back in November and it was the talk of the video game news for quite some time. I had the opportunity to see what it was like this past weekend, a few months after it's release, so here is my review! :) Personally I thought it was pretty cool. It kind of ties social media into one with the video games.

For starters it is HD, which brings it up to par with Xbox and Playstation! It also has a single controller, which offers a new experience to gaming. It also connects to and tracks videos and TV shows, so you can use the Wii U as a control for all your video experiences. It's kind of like the Wii, a TV remote, and DS in one!

Upon downloading the updates for the versions you also get all the old game favorites, such as Kirby’s Adventure, Donkey Kong Jr., Ice Climber, F-Zero, and Super Mario World. There are also of course some new favorites such as Game&Wario and Zombi U and it is compatible with most games from the Wii system itself!

Virtually it could be the next best thing. Though some say it could be the nail in the coffin for Nintendo. Do you think Nintendo has followed up with what it promised to deliver? Do you think it is an innovative system console? Share your ideas!
                                                                                                   Here's what some of the reviews say!! ^

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Oh the things you can do with duct tape!

So we've all heard that duct tape is a good fix for a lot of things, but did you know that you can have some fun with it too! There are so many different patterns and colors in stores, it's kind of hard not to have a little fun! Here is a list of some of my favorite things to do with duct tape and some things that I would like to try! Remember it's your style, so make it as wild and creative as you would like!

1) The Duct Tape Bow

This is a creative way to add a little fun and a splash of color to any outfit. How can you not love it? They are easy to make too! You start with two pieces and stick them together sticky side first. Then you fold them like you would fold a paper fan, pinch the middle and add a small strip to make it stay. I have over a dozen of these little bows in my drawer and I want to make so many more! :)
2) Duct Tape Roses

The first time I made these I thought it would take me forever, but it went much quicker than I had thought. These make a great gift or act as a simple way to decorate a room! They also give freedom to creativity since every flower is different. A rose, by any other name would still be as sweet, but these are definitely still pretty cool! 

3) Duct Tape Earrings

Now these, I've never made, but I really want to! I think they are cute and a creative way to take an everyday piece of jewelery and make it unique.With so many patterns and colors, the possibilities are endless.

4) Duct Tape Wallet

Now these are fun and neat, not to mention very handy! We all need somewhere to put our money when we go out, after all, so why not show off your nerdiness with a homemade wallet! These are the Ninja Turtles, but if your taste is cute or classy you can do that too! There's also freedom to the number of pockets you can include and what you want the layout to be. I've made some just to hold my cards. Pretty much it's your ideal wallet, made for your needs, you just have to put it together!

5) Key Chain Strap

Now this is a pretty neat idea I'd like to try! I happened to stumble across it online one day. It'd definitely make finding my keys a lot easier if I had a wrist thing to keep them together. What is even more neat about this is you can also add an individual touch of duct tape to each one of your keys, making it easier to determine which key is for which lock! And it's cheap, YES please!

These are only a few of the select things you can do with duct tape. You can also make belts, ties, flip flops, and purses too! I know for Halloween I used duct tape to make the purse for my cosplay and last year I made my own strap belt! I've even known some people to decorate a bring pair of boots with the weather resistant tape.

Fun fact: did you know, there is even a scholarship event where you can make prom dresses, shoes, and tuxes out of tape. Definitely a must see if you ever get the chance! ^, ^
Here's one of the winners of 2012 posted ---->

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Summer Scoop

With summer just around the corner it's hard to think of anything, but the long stress free nights we will have to do fun things. There is just one more week left of exams and then we're home free for a couple of months. I don't know about you, but I sure am excited. For me it means some of my favorite things get to happen! :)

1) Pictures of  all the ADVENTURES! Yay!! Yeah, I am one of those girls who loves her camera. I carry it with me in my purse, so I have it wherever I may go and if ever I need it! I also like to document everything. Give me a camera and I can be occupied for hours! I think it is so neat how you can capture an image with just the click of a button. My pictures remind me of the good times that can be had, the friends who mean the most to me, and the many more places I want to see!

2) S'mores by the fire! These have always been my favorite camp fire treats. I don't know how you can have a camp fire and not have S'mores to eat too! I love the melt in your mouth chocolate, the warm toasty marshmallow and the crunchy bits of graham cracker in every bite.Throw in the hotdogs and it's sure to be an even tastier night! Not to mention camp fires mean sitting with those you love and sharing events of the day and telling stories.

3) Later nights and no schedules. Yep that's right... FREEDOM!!! Freedom to stay up and have sleep overs till the early hours of the morning and sleep in late the next day. Freedom to have dance parties, paint nails, hang up pictures all over the wall, and do arts and crafts! Freedom to fill our bowls to the top with frozen yogurt, chocolate pieces, and fresh fruit. Freedom to draw with side walk chalk and make a giant game of hopscotch, or blow bubbles and try to pop them. Freedom to play and read a book outside under the trees. And more importantly freedom to relax! I always think embracing your inner child makes everything just a little more fun!

4) Lemonade by the pool.I love lemonade. It's refreshing and light and tastes absolutely amazing! I especially love it by the pool, when you can sit in the warm sun, have a casual sip, and just take everything in. Not to mention the occasional splash on a hot day really cools you off! Plus there are so many games you can play. I personally enjoy the occasional water balloon fights!

5) Hula Hoops. Okay so yeah, you can use them really anytime, but for me the nice weather brings more opportunities to freshen up and refine my skills. I love turning on the music and just going with the beat! I love perfecting and working on new skills and I love that everyone always seems fascinated. There's just something about it. And it's the one thing that I think aside from randomly dancing that I enjoy doing because it makes me feel pretty. I think every girl deserves to do something that makes her feel pretty.They are even fun to make! ♡