Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wii yes... or Wii no?

So the Wii U came out a few months ago back in November and it was the talk of the video game news for quite some time. I had the opportunity to see what it was like this past weekend, a few months after it's release, so here is my review! :) Personally I thought it was pretty cool. It kind of ties social media into one with the video games.

For starters it is HD, which brings it up to par with Xbox and Playstation! It also has a single controller, which offers a new experience to gaming. It also connects to and tracks videos and TV shows, so you can use the Wii U as a control for all your video experiences. It's kind of like the Wii, a TV remote, and DS in one!

Upon downloading the updates for the versions you also get all the old game favorites, such as Kirby’s Adventure, Donkey Kong Jr., Ice Climber, F-Zero, and Super Mario World. There are also of course some new favorites such as Game&Wario and Zombi U and it is compatible with most games from the Wii system itself!

Virtually it could be the next best thing. Though some say it could be the nail in the coffin for Nintendo. Do you think Nintendo has followed up with what it promised to deliver? Do you think it is an innovative system console? Share your ideas!
                                                                                                   Here's what some of the reviews say!! ^

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