With summer just around the corner it's hard to think of anything, but the long stress free nights we will have to do fun things. There is just one more week left of exams and then we're home free for a couple of months. I don't know about you, but I sure am excited. For me it means some of my favorite things get to happen! :)
1) Pictures of all the ADVENTURES! Yay!! Yeah, I am one of those girls who loves her camera. I carry it with me in my purse, so I have it wherever I may go and if ever I need it! I also like to document everything. Give me a camera and I can be occupied for hours! I think it is so neat how you can capture an image with just the click of a button. My pictures remind me of the good times that can be had, the friends who mean the most to me, and the many more places I want to see!
2) S'mores by the fire! These have always been my favorite camp fire treats. I don't know how you can have a camp fire and not have S'mores to eat too! I love the melt in your mouth chocolate, the warm toasty marshmallow and the crunchy bits of graham cracker in every bite.Throw in the hotdogs and it's sure to be an even tastier night! Not to mention camp fires mean sitting with those you love and sharing events of the day and telling stories.
3) Later nights and no schedules. Yep that's right... FREEDOM!!! Freedom to stay up and have sleep overs till the early hours of the morning and sleep in late the next day. Freedom to have dance parties, paint nails, hang up pictures all over the wall, and do arts and crafts! Freedom to fill our bowls to the top with frozen yogurt, chocolate pieces, and fresh fruit. Freedom to draw with side walk chalk and make a giant game of hopscotch, or blow bubbles and try to pop them. Freedom to play and read a book outside under the trees. And more importantly freedom to relax! I always think embracing your inner child makes everything just a little more fun!
4) Lemonade by the pool.I love lemonade. It's refreshing and light and tastes absolutely amazing! I especially love it by the pool, when you can sit in the warm sun, have a casual sip, and just take everything in. Not to mention the occasional splash on a hot day really cools you off! Plus there are so many games you can play. I personally enjoy the occasional water balloon fights!

5) Hula Hoops. Okay so yeah, you can use them really anytime, but for me the nice weather brings more opportunities to freshen up and refine my skills. I love turning on the music and just going with the beat! I love perfecting and working on new skills and I love that everyone always seems fascinated. There's just something about it. And
it's the one thing that I think aside from randomly dancing that I enjoy
doing because it makes me feel pretty. I think every girl deserves to
do something that makes her feel pretty.They are even fun to make! ♡
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