So I decided to go back in time and play some old games. I started with Pok
émon leaf green! I must say that it is quite interesting to be playing these games especially since growing up the only Gameboy games I owned were Pok
émon Yellow. And even these are vastly different. There is an option to be a girl and the Pok
émon you start with is not handed to you, but rather you get to choose as if you were actually going on an adventure yourself. I also still wanna catch a Mew! <3

I also find it interesting that the systems are so vastly different. I always thought that the only way i'd ever be able to play them was if I bought the old systems, but I have found that the Gameboy Advance SP is quite the nifty thing to have. It offers a back light and an option to play all the Gameboy games including, Gameboy Advanced and Gameboy Color. I'm definitely looking into it now! :) And of course if you have a DS you can play the GBA games too! So as far as handhelds are concerned I'd say it's a way to go!

The next thing I wanna try is the GameCube and Game Boy Advance Connection. Supposedly, the way it worked was that, using specially written software, developers
were able to make the Game Cube and the Game Boy Advance so that they could communicate
with each other. This connectivity was featured in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind
Waker, allowing players, using the Tingle Tuner, to get information on the different islands, collect Tingle
statues, and get advice on how to solve dungeon puzzles. I think it was also featured in PacMan Vs. I just think it would be quite a different gaming experience. =]
Also, do you remember Rareware? They partnered up with Nintendo,
until 2000, to create video games
such as Donkey kong 64, the banjo kazooie series, jet force gemini, and
star fox
adventures.Well I decided to play Banjo-Kazooie again! I must say the
soundtrack and the game play made me realize why I fell in love with the
game as a kid. Were there any games like this for you?
of course, I started playing the Sega games as well. I can't get enough
of that little hedgehog and his foxy sidekick, Tails! I love how the
games just generally get faster and harder as you play them. That's one
of the main difficulties it proposed. I think Tetris is actually known
for that. Needless to say, i'm having fun and remembering why I fell in
love with the classics.
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