The question on graduate school rings even louder in my head! There's so many things to do and I have so much experience.. what's acceptable and what's not? Am I really ready to take the risk?

I love to help and be involved! That's a fact! I always have and always
will! And I adore children and animals! Put me with a child and I just
light up! I join in on the play and escape to a fantasy world where once
I used to spend all my time. Put me with a child, and suddenly I'm the
best singer in the world or I can dance on the moon! I have no fear!
This is who I am!
It's funny how as we grow older we lose the insight of what matters most. I'm stuck, the articles don't seem to be helping! I wish I could hit the enter key and have all the answers laid out in front of me...
What do you all recommend? What's my next step? #advicecolumn Let's GO!