Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hello, hello my old friends, I have not forgotten you!

So tumblr is a thing and it's amazing! :) I love the fact that I can find so many of my favorite categories simply by browsing a bunch of blogs! I definitely recommend it! Secondly, Stumble Upon... pros and cons? Let me know as I am considering one! Thirdly, I've been super busy with exams and classes so I apologize for not posting in some time. I'm nearing graduation though! YAY!!!

ALSO Halloween is almost here!! I have some plans and what about you!? What are you going to dress up as!? Personally, I want to do something related to Alice in Wonderland! Perhaps Miss Mad Hatter! Or Alice from Alice Madness! Or maybe the Cheshire cat!  Oh and I want an Unbirthday Cake! #AliceObsessed 

What have you all been up to!? 

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