Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Nerdy is the new cool!

Next up... Nerdy board games! :)

Do you remember any of these lovely versions of classic games?

1) Star Wars Monopoly
2) Pokemon Yahtzee
3) Pokemon Monopoly  (I think there is even a Nintendo version)

4) Harry Potter Clue
5) Scene It and other Trivia Games
6) Quidditch the Game 

Personally, I always liked the creative twist on these versions of the games! :) 

Also because it is a cool link check it out: Quidditch is on it's way to being an unofficial sport!!!

Then of course there are the nerdy games themselves...

1) D&D
2) Magic the Gathering
3) Trading Card games (i.e. Pokemon, Yu-gi-oh, and Bakugan) 
4) Warhammer 
5) Munchkin 
6) Apples to Apples
7) Balderdash

Here's a review of the top 10! http://www.squidoo.com/geeky-board-games 

What are some of your favorites?  

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