Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I'm On The Internet

Social Media is ever rising. Everyone wants to share with everyone everything they can about any topic they know about. Among these social media websites are the infamous Myspace, Facebook, and Twitter. Symbiotic relationships, the idea that we NEED these technologies in order to grow, have developed further as new technologies are introduced. This pace of development is contingent on technological knowledge.

Among the media there also exists Instagram and other photo editing sites, Youtube, blogs, email, Tumblr, Stumble Upon, Pinterest, Linkedin, and more. We all have this general idea now, an adapted version to say the least, of how to communicate with each other in the public sphere. It used to be sensible to write a long letter to someone to catch up or call them on the phone if you needed or wanted something. Nowadays with unlimited applications and availability- practically everything you need is at your hands (or rather at a screen).

As a society we are embracing technology without fully understanding the long-term ramifications. Technology is such a major part of our lives that new problems for society will continually emerge. This in itself is a distraction from our own personal goals and gains. Instead of using them as a source we become so involved that even in our day to day lives we lack the communication and interactions skills we once had.

In class we were asked to blog about blogging. That is what it means, how we do it, etc. Rather I have found my focus to be more so on why these websites are important and how they play a role. I particularly never had an interest in blogging. I see the benefits it has to offer however and am obviously willing to give it a try! I think the best feeling is going to be knowing that people will read and probably care about what I have to say! That alone excites me! =) My only concern is (and I guess always has been) that I have a lot to say but never think anyone wants to hear about it. I am interested however in trying out Tumblr, a blogging platform,  as well! Perhaps I will have some thoughts on that to follow in a post.

In my search I stumbled across this article. It proves an interesting read on what we should be reading and how we should be writing when we blog. For me I find the most honest thing you can do is to be yourself and talk about your own interests. Not everyone is going to like what you have to say, but not everyone is going to hate it either. And the most important thing to consider is how you present yourself.

Happy Blogging! =) 

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