Friday, February 1, 2013

Books, Books, EVERYWHERE!!

In the last few days of class we have been talking about the importance of the book and whether or not we should say goodbye to the physical form and hello to the digital versions. In my last post I wrote to you about the importance of imagination and stories. In all honesty, despite writing to you on the highway of the internet, I believe I would rather have a paper copy of a book in hand than a downloaded version. I love to read and write and analyze. In some ways I believe moving forward with innovations is great, but what happens when our day to day lives come to rely on nothing more than digital interaction?

I must have over 100 books of my own and several comics and magazines. I used to love going to book fairs and buying books! I love recommendations and I still love the new book smells!! If I know I will love a book I will buy it! If I see a book and I don't know what it is and it's at a yard sale and looks interesting I will buy it. I'm always trying to add to my collection! I love to get caught up in the pages and close the cover in satisfaction after reading all day. And more importantly, I love that I don't have to stop cause I have a headache from reading off a screen! =]

It's like this article says and I couldn't agree with the author more- nothing beats the original!

If I had to choose between a kindle or real books- i'd rather have the real thing. It's more interactive, easier to share, and holds so much more personality.


  1. Great post, and many thanks for the link to the 'dead trees society' essay -- I agree with it wholeheartedly.

    When I heard the graphic novelist Lynda Barry speak here in Providence a few weeks ago, she described books as "images," by which she means objects we cathect to, are drawn to, and value ever after; like a child's favorite blanket, beloved books are alive. She described loaning out a book to a friend, who lost the book, and then offered a new copy. Not the same, not the same at all.

  2. I totally agree with that analysis. To me books hold so much meaning and even though I love going to the library nothing compares to the actual feel of buying a book all my own and giving it a personality- whether it be in the smell of the book or the sound of the pages as they turn or you flip through them. I plan to hold onto my own collection for as long as I can. My goal is to eventually have a library within my own home of all my favorite stories and collections.
