Friday, March 1, 2013

Color Me Nostalgic

Ever have one of those days where absolutely nothing seems to be going right? Where you wanna stand on a rooftop and scream really loud? Or curl up and cry just to feel something other than stress? Well there's always a fix for that! I have found over the past week that it is important to surround yourself with the things you love and take everything one little baby step at a time. This week I had to do a qualitative research paper!

After yesterday's class when we talked about Duplicates it reminds me how lucky and how convenient it is for us in the 21st century. Every bit of data I needed to collect could be found with only a few clicks of a button and all the graphs and coded excerpts I need were represented in a visual interpretation by a lovely site called Dedoose.Anyways, I finally got it done! =) YAY ME!!! But it makes me sad to think of how some of the younger generations will never be able to appreciate technology in the way we do. Just as we almost forget to appreciate the fact that we have computers when many of our parents or grandparents had to write everything out by hand.

I only wish I could come up with a solution to still live in the past. Back then it seemed everything was easy, life was fun, and it was before the huge internet sensations really hit so more time was spent outdoors.I almost feel like I'm stuck on a bridge of the technological advancements and the traditional way of doing things. Don't get me wrong I think technology is great, but I think we take it for granted now.

Is is sad that I still enjoy writing letters or talking on the house phone? Is it okay if I would rather play old school Mario Bros, Pac-Man, and Sonic instead of the new Assassin's Creed or Halo? Or watch reruns of the same shows I've seen a hundred times? I wonder if anyone else feels the same way!

In the old days, you didn't come back to a game again and again for anything as fancy as user-created content, you came back because of the challenge and the fact that the games just got faster making it nearly impossible to beat. Personally, I like being able to figure out how to play them. How I am given a task to do and need to accomplish it. I don't necessarily play to win, but it's something I plan on learning how to do. I want to understand why the game works the way it does, rather than just playing it cause it's fun and I can hit buttons. Maybe for a little while I'll divulge in some of my favorite pastimes.

Goodbyes for now. ☮


  1. Thanks to the miracle of technology, it's easier to live in the past, I'd say, than ever before. You could pick a range of years of television, for instance, and watch nothing but episodes from 1968, or 1975, or 1991 using Netflix and other on-demand systems; you could fill your iPod with music of the same era you've chosen, and you could pick up some retro clothes at a Providence boutique and dress for it as well. Lastly, you could scour eBay and junk shops for older Nintendo, Sega, or Sony game machines, or use emulators to turn your modern-day PC into a virtual Commodore 64. No need to update your software -- ever!

  2. I don't disagree with you on the fact that it is easy to live in the past with today's technology. The possibilities of movie and TV sites and systems is crazy. As is the access to old school Nintendo, Sega, or Atari. I just think more creativity was considered in deigning these software and media. I hate when I am watching a movie and you can tell the whole scene is computer generated. And I hate how sometimes in order to keep up with the changing times and high demands of society you feel you have to conform by getting the newest gadgets and/or updates.

  3. I really like this post. I feel the same way as you do. I cannot read any school related readings online. I always get distracted or my eyes will start to hurt because of the lighting of the pc or laptop. So I always print out any readings I have to read for a class. Which sometimes sucks because some readings can be very long and the poor trees I am killing (OMG!).

    Like everything, computer has its cons and pros. In 11th grade I actually did my research on the pros and cons on the internet. I really really hate how in school they are thinking about getting all books in ebooks. That just drives me crazy! I feel like a real school has hard copy of textbooks, not ebooks. I love books, hard copy books! Sometimes it really scares me when I think about how the school systems are going to change and the society because of technology advancement. I want the late 90s and early 2000s to come back ASAP. I guess yu can say that I am "old fashioned".

    As for games, I will only play games if they are Sonic, Mario Bros, racing, or Tekken because they are the best :)
