Thursday, March 28, 2013

Survey Says...?

We're moving along with our agenda and the pace of the classroom. And I must say in just a few weeks, I have learned a lot. The internet is like a massive highway of information. Chances are if you present your online self in a particular way, you'll get a lot of traffic.

I don't remember if I mentioned I was a DJ here on campus before, but I especially started noticing this trend with my radio show page. Unfortunately I had to take a break from the show, but I still update the page and share the latest local and campus events and news. Every now and then I check the stats and I still have a fan base that checks in regularly. I feel that as the author of a page, if you give to the people those things that most interest them, you are guaranteed an audience that will come back. Fun Fact: I even had a band message me from out of state asking if I would share their music for them. =)

I have also learned writing for the public sphere is a model that encourages people to ask questions about what they watch, hear, and read in a way that develops creative skills in sharing media messages. I feel such literacy is important for any person to know nowadays, especially with everything going digital and everything becoming shorter or smaller.

This is when statistics comes into play. Some of the data can be measured and some of it is assumedFor me I question if, in the long run, some of my favorite things will disappear? Things such as classic movies, CDs, books with over 500 pages, encyclopedias, TV shows that actually last about a half hour, etc. Perhaps with the mass of information available, we’re simply not focused enough to take it all in, but rather we want to find what we want as quickly as possible.

Here's a link to some of the internet statistics of 2012. If you go back a few years ago, there is a significant difference in the numbers.

Clearly new media is changing the way we read information. In some aspects it is exciting, but in others it can be intimidating. Check out these statistics as well... Therein lies the proof that short forms are taking over long forms of entertainment in our world. But why? One last article I want to share and then I shall bid you goodbye:  Let me know what you all think? Are we really doomed in terms of these statistics?


  1. First, I would like to say good job on your DJ website :)

    At first I was not sure if I believed that people's attention span is shortening but after thinking hard and viewing the stats on in this post, actually made me think that "Yes, it is happening"

    I honestly think it is too bad that it is happening to us, even to me. I wonder if it is like this around the world or just the U.S?

  2. Thank you! :)

    And I don't know for sure, but I think it is happening world wide, which is sad because our brains are capable of so much knowledge and power and it's almost like now we aren't giving them the capabilities to reach their full potential.
