Thursday, April 4, 2013

Just an update

So hopefully tomorrow will be a good day to do the next big assignment for class! I have some ideas I hope you will enjoy! :) It's going to be based off some of the ideas I have discussed in another class cause I wanna know how other people feel. Oh, and i'm bringing a bit of the nerdy back.YAY!


  1. Just another update I did finish, but i'm waiting to post till tomorrow. I need a good three hours or so to track the traffic!! Is anyone else excited to see how these results turn out?

  2. I am excited about this project as well but I have no idea what to write about!! I have an idea but it's completely different from what my blog is about. It has nothing to do with science at all! I hope that is not a problem. I should probably ask the prof. if that is ok.

    1. I am sure that is ok! Some of the past few blogs I have written have had nothing to do with my original topic choice either. I think as long as it has the possibility of bringing in an audience that is all he really wants. Good luck!
